Wednesday, December 13, 2023
SMP Volunteer: Staging for Bag Stuffing
Gift Bag Staging
Holidays in the Barracks
A lot goes into setting up and stuffing gift bags. Sign-up and join SMP to set up for the stuffing of the Holidays in the Barracks gift bags. Sort, organize, stack... all the things to make the next day go smoothly. So bring a friend and spend a few hours helping out.
The event means a great deal to those in the barracks, away from family during the holidays. This is a fun opportunity to volunteer and show your support. Volunteering is open to active duty service members and DoD civilians.
Date: Wednesday, December 11th
Time: 9 AM - NOON
Location: Barber Physical Activity Center, Group X Room
*Transportation is only provided to Single Service Members and geo-bachelors associated with the SMP. Seating limited; first come, first served.
Open to active duty single Marines/service members and geo-bachelors. Seating limited, first come, first served.
Authorized patrons of ALL abilities are welcomed. Please contact SMP staff if reasonable accommodations are necessary.
For more information call 703-432-0363 or Email: MCCSQUANTICOSMP@USMC-MCCS.ORG