Volunteer Opportunities

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Volunteer Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter and get the latest information on volunteer opportunities around MCAS Iwakuni!

Sign Up for the Newsletter!


There are ample opportunities to volunteer your time and skills while stationed in Iwakuni. Volunteering benefits both you and the community. While you add skills to your resume, or get your “foot in the door” with a new organization, you are also contributing to making MCAS Iwakuni the wonderful community that it is. Volunteers are what “make” our community, and they also make it better. Volunteers are needed in a wide range of programs and events throughout the year. Please donate your time and talents by volunteering.

Passport to Volunteering Workshops

MCAS Iwakuni volunteers are invited to this free seminar that gives participants the necessary tools to have a successful and fulfilling volunteer career. Learn about the impact of your volunteering, effective communication skills as a volunteer, how to manage your volunteer career, tracking and maintaining your personal volunteer records, and tips for using volunteer time to pursue paid professional opportunities.

Annual President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA)

The President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) encourages citizens to live a life of service through national recognition. Presidential recognition sets you apart from your peers, and your example can deliver a powerful message that encourages others to take action.

The Iwakuni Installation Volunteer Coordinator (IVC) is a PVSA certifying organization. Awards are presented each April at the Installation Volunteer Recognition Ceremony.


If you need further assistance with volunteer placement or have questions about volunteering, then…

Email Us Today!


Contact Information and Resources
Volunteer Opportunities

Phone: 0827-79-7188

DSN: 253-7188

Hours of operation:

MON, WED, FRI 7:30 AM - 4:30 PM
TUE & THU 9 AM - 6 PM

American Red Cross

American Red Cross

Phone: 0827-79-4525

DSN: 253-4525

Behavioral Health

Behavioral Health

Phone: 0827-79-5260

DSN: 253-5260

Boy Scouts

Boy Scouts

Branch Health Clinic

Branch Health Clinic

Cub Scouts

Cub Scouts

Girl Scouts

Girl Scouts

Japanese American Society

Japanese American Society

Phone: 0827-79-4744

DSN: 253-4744



Phone: 0827-79-3078

DSN: 253-3078

Follow Us:

MC Perry Elementary School

MC Perry Elementary School PTO

Phone: 0827-79-3327

DSN: 253-3327

MC Perry High School

MC Perry High School PTO

Phone: 0827-79-5449

DSN: 253-5449

MCCS Special Events

Special Events

Phone: 0827-79-3727

DSN: 253-3727



Phone: 0827-79-3542

DSN: 253-3542

Navy Marine Corps Relief Society

Navy Marine Corps Relief Society

Phone: 0827-79-5311

DSN: 253-5311



Phone: 0827-79-6161

DSN: 253-6161

Youth Sports

Youth Sports

Phone: 0827-79-3239

DSN: 253-3239

DSN: 253-5777

Tsunami Youth Swim Team: 0827-79-4966


Aquatics Office

Phone: 0827-79-6883

DSN: 253-6883

Semper Fit Special Events

Semper Fit Special Events

Phone: 0827-79-5654

DSN: 253-5654



Phone: 0827-79-3585

DSN: 253-3585

Volunteer Opportunities: 0827-79-3250

Station Chapel

MCAS Iwakuni Chapel

Phone: 0827-79-6460

DSN: 253-6460

Thrift Store

Thrift Store

Phone: 0827-79-4711

DSN: 253-4711



Phone: 0827-79-6174

DSN: 253-6174

Youth Sponsorship

Youth Sponsorship

Phone: 0827-79-3691

DSN: 253-3691

Youth & Teen Center

Youth & Teen Progam

Phone: 0827-79-5420

DSN: 253-5420

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