Sports Facilities & Courts Information

IronWorks South

IronWorks South is a world-class facility equipped with a variety of indoor sports accommodations for basketball, volleyball, racquetball, aerobics, martial arts, and aquatics. We also feature fully equipped weight rooms and well-maintained cardio/circuit machines for individual exercise regimens. All areas within the facility are handicap accessible/accommodating.

Note: As of March 17, IronWorks North, South, and Atago Cultural Center will no longer accept cash payments. Credit Card only. 

*Authorized patrons of ALL abilities are welcome. Please contact program staff if reasonable accommodations are necessary.

IronWorks South

Phone: 0827-79-6578

DSN: 253-6578

Hours of operation:

MON - FRI 4 AM - 10 PM
SAT, SUN, & HOL 7 AM - 6 PM

IronWorks South Renovation Information

IronWorks South is open and ready to make your workouts even better. We've updated the weight room, cardio room, aerobics room, dojo, and more so you can get more out of your workouts. Some facilities are still affected by renovations, so please be patient while we make IronWorks South the best place to get in shape.

Affected Facility Areas


IronWorks Phase IV

  • Start Date: April 14, 2025
  • Estimated Completion Date: Winter 2025
  • Closures include Indoor Pool, HITT center, and Locker Rooms
    • The indoor pool will be closed starting April 13 due to an event. The last day for use is April 12.
    • WaterWorks Outdoor Pool will open as soon as weather permits.

IronWorks Phase III

  • Estimated Completion Date: Spring 2025
  • Closures include Sports Courts.

Alternate Access
Please use the rear entrance or follow the signage to access the following facilities:

  • Racquetball Court
  • Olympic Room

→ Available Alternatives

  • The Hornet's Nest gym is open to all active duty service members
  • IronWorks North is staffed on weekdays from 4 AM - 9 PM. It is unmanned from 9 PM - 4 AM on weekdays and all day on weekends and holidays.
  • IronWorks Atago Gym is fully operational and unmanned. Sign up for keycard access at Atago Lotus Cultural Center.

IronWorks North

IronWorks North is a world-class facility with indoor sports accommodations for basketball, volleyball, racquetball, aerobics, and martial arts. We also feature fully equipped weight rooms and well-maintained cardio/circuit machines for individual exercise regimens. All areas within the facility are handicap accessible.

Note: As of March 17, IronWorks North, South, and Atago Cultural Center will no longer accept cash payments. Credit Card only. 

IronWorks North

Phone: 0827-79-3611

DSN: 253-3611

Hours of operation:

SAT, SUN & HOL All Day

Weight Room

Cardio Room

Circuit Room

Wellness Classroom


Raquetball Courts

Basketball Courts

Men/Women Locker Rooms

Men/Women Saunas


Weight Machines

Cardiovascular Machines

Multi-Functioning Bench Presses

Kettle Bells

Free Weights



Aerobic Accessories

IronWorks North Recovery Room

IronWorks North Recovery Room is equipped with a variety of accommodations to assist with workout recovery. The Recovery Room can be found on the 2nd floor of IronWorks North, next to the vending machines. All eligible base personnel ages 18+ can access this equipment 24/7. No registration required.

Normatec Compression System

Foam Rollers

Stick Rollers

Trigger Point Therapy

Stretch Straps

Resistance Bands


Theraguns can only be checked out from the front desk during manned gym hours.

IronWorks Atago

The IronWorks facility at the Atago Hills housing annex is a world-class facility equipped with a variety of indoor sports accommodations for racquetball, aerobics, and martial arts. We also feature fully equipped weight rooms and well maintained cardio/circuit machines for individual exercise regimens. All areas within the facility are handicap accessible/accommodating.

IronWorks Atago

Phone: 0827-79-5655

DSN: 253-5655

Hours of operation:

Unmanned 24/7 keycard access

How to Get Your Atago Key Card


Weight Room

Cardio Room

Circuit Room

Wellness Classroom


Raquetball Courts

Men/Women Locker Rooms

Men/Women Saunas


Weight Machines

Cardiovascular Machines

Multi-Functioning Bench Presses

Kettle Bells

Free Weights



Aerobic Accessories

Upcoming Events

Currently, there are no scheduled activities planned for the near future. See all upcoming events.

The Atago Sports Complex is a world-class facility complete with tennis courts, volleyball courts, baseball and softball fields, the Kizuna Baseball Stadium, a track & field called "Go! Go! Field", and the Lotus Cultural Center, and is registered and operated as an official Iwakuni City Park and jointly used by Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni and Iwakuni City. All authorized patrons must follow the Sports Complex rules and guidelines and respect cultures to foster a good relationship between the local community and MCAS Iwakuni.

Notice: As of March 17, Atago Cultural Center will no longer accept cash payments. Credit card only. 

Use of Facility

MCAS Iwakuni departments, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, tenant organizations, and private organizations are required to submit the Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet to the Station Safety Office 30 days prior to their officially sponsored events.

Private organizations must have installation approval to hold official functions in Atago Sports Complex facilities; the Station Judge Advocate is the delegated approval authority.

Notice: All eligible patrons are required to access IronWorks Atago and group fitness classes with keycards. Register for keycards at Atago Lotus Cultural Center.

Scheduling & Reservations:

  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Open reservations for non-officially sponsored events are normally for two-hour blocks of time, with the option to extend an extra two hours or a full day upon request.
  • Any individual or group can make same-day walk-in and up to 30-day advanced reservations for facilities or spaces not already reserved.
  • Iwakuni City is responsible for all reservations and reservation databases. Reservations can be requested by visiting the Atago Sports Complex Administrative Office or by calling 0827-35-5089. Submission of a Reservation Request Form to the office prior to the time of use is required. Reservation Request Forms are available at the Atago Sports Complex Administrative Office, the S-7 Government and External Affairs Office (GEAO), or at the link posted below.
  • Running track is available for anyone's use at any time unless already reserved.

*Authorized patrons of ALL abilities are welcome. Please contact program staff if reasonable accommodations are necessary.

Atago Sports Complex

Phone: 0827-79-2779

DSN: 253-2779

OCONUS Base Phone: 0827355089

MCCS Programs & Events: 253-2779

Reservation Service: 0827-35-5089

Hours of operation:

Gates Open 6:30 AM - 10:15 PM Daily
Reservation Service 8 AM - 9 PM Daily
Outdoor Facilities 9 AM - 9 PM Daily
Indoor Facilities 9 AM - 10 PM Daily

Read more about the Atago Sports Complex

Atago Sports Complex

Aaron Pylinski | Community Writer

New York City has Central Park, Chicago has Grant Park, Los Angeles has bad traffic, and Iwakuni now has the Atago Sports Complex.

Imagine a lush park with Dogwoods, picnic pavilions and plenty of open spaces for children to run and play. Imagine also the same venue with a baseball stadium packed with chanting fans and local rivalries facing off on the diamond. Think of a cultural center with a meticulously designed tea room, guests both U.S. and Japanese sitting down and enjoying a fellowship of cultural ideas.


This is the Atago Sports Complex. It is our city park, our place to engage the local populace and make good on our stewardship of the American people in Japan. It is ours, both American and Japanese. It is where we can come together for healthy competition or break bread but most importantly it belongs to all of us.

Fixed atop the Atago Mountain the complex is just a 10-minute drive from the Monzen Gate and is a sports and a cultural facility that everyone living in the Iwakuni area can enjoy year round.

There is no denying that life on station can sometimes feel like swimming around in a fishbowl. It’s a walking base, or so it is said, and with that comes that small town feeling. There are a number of places within the confines of the station for all of us to rest and relax but we’re still peeking over the fence to see what’s available out in town. The Kizuna Stadium is open now, but the Atago Sports Complex will fully open this summer in our own backyard and we’ll all have a place to diverge and enjoy.

To get a better idea of what the complex is today means we have to take a step back in time to realize the station and its expansion. It all started when the airfield spread out a mile into the Aki-nada inland sea.

Through the Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District (USACED-J) in conjunction with host nation construction companies and the local government, the top of Atago Mountain was blasted off, put on trucks and conveyors and taken to the sea. This created new real estate for aircraft to land and a potential location for a shared use facility on a freshly shaved mountain top.

The complex will be completed in two phases. Phase one consists of the Kizuna baseball stadium and two softball fields which opened to the public last November.

Phase two has a 400-meter track and field, as well as outdoor courts for basketball, sand volleyball, and tennis courts. Additionally, it has picnic pavilions, playgrounds, jogging paths, and a cultural center.

SOFA personnel are exempt from any usage or occupancy fees upon presentation of their DoD ID cards but the local populace will pay a fee for usage.

With the complex near completion, USACED-J is almost ready to hand over the keys to MCCS and IHA, creating an extension of Semper Fit and unleashing the full potential of this long coming public recreation area.

According to MCCS Director, John Kasperski, "We want to start migrating MCCS activities up to Atago, such as music festivals, sporting events, and youth clinics.”

With keys in hand, MCCS will handle the day-to-day operations in direct collaboration with the city of Iwakuni.

"We want to start migrating MCCS activities up to Atago, such as music festivals, sporting events, and youth clinics."

Our personnel will be assigned to work within the complex’ administrative office to assist SOFA status customers and Iwakuni city employees in making reservations. We will use the facilities to host recreational events as well as maintain and prepare the facilities that are assigned to us like the outdoor sport fields.

The complex is not just an extension of the station and our programs, it is also a great venue to host community relation events with local residents. There are plans for youth sports events including games between U.S. and local Japanese teams.

There’s more than just softball fields and a baseball stadium at Atago Mountain, there is also a shared use cultural center, which is a focal point for the community relations involved.

“The complex is a key resource to help maintain a positive relation with the local population,” said John Zambrano, the Government & External Affairs Officer for S-7.

The cultural center contains multipurpose rooms, a classroom for cooking, and a ceremonial tea room. It also has a gymnasium with an elevated jogging track and shower rooms. Reservations can be requested by visiting the Atago Sports Complex Administrative Office or by calling 0827-35-5089 between the hours of 8 AM - 9 PM. The administrative office can also be reached by sending an email to

To reserve a room at the cultural center, a Reservation Request Form must be submitted. The Reservation Request Form is available at the Atago Sports Complex Administrative Office. Any individual or group can make same day walk-in and up to 30-day advanced reservations for any room that is not already reserved.

So when we're looking for someplace to enjoy time with our loved ones we now have a place of our own to extend past the fences of the base and stretch our legs. And when the local populace needs a venue to help strengthen the bonds of our relationship we can all sit together in the presence of Dogwoods and enjoy all that the Atago Sports Complex has to offer.

"The complex is a key resource to help maintain a positive relation with the local population."


Who had a hand in the creation of the Atago Sports Complex?

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Japan District (USACED-J)

Oversaw the coordination of host nation contractors and U.S. construction from start to finish.


“The construction project was a bilateral agreement, a team effort, between the United States and host nation contractors working in a harmonious relationship to finish the project on time.”

- Ernie B. Lambinicio, Civil Engineering Technician, Department of the Army Quality Assurance Representative

Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI)

Responsible for the entire programming, planning effort, designed effort with many of the stakeholders from the Army Corps of Engineers to host nation/city representatives.


“It took us eight years to go from a sketch on a piece of paper, an agreement in principle, to the reality. There's a personal return on everybody from DPRI and the host nation who's invested their time to whatever piece of the puzzle because we want to see everyone enjoy the facilities.”

- John Lackie, Director, DPRI Integrated Program Management Office

S-7 External Affairs

Public Affairs office for maintaining government to government relationships between Host Nation/City and MCAS/MCCS Iwakuni.


“The Atago Sports Complex is basically a key resource to help us maintain positive relations with our host nation holistically, the city and as well as the local ministry and which is our direct interface.”

- John F. Zambrano, S-7, Government & External Affairs Office

Semper Fit manages playing fields for baseball, soccer and football at several locations around MCAS Iwakuni. The Intramural Sports and Youth Sports departments host dozens of tournaments and regular season competitive sports for athletes ranging 3 years and up on these fields and coordinates playing times with the MC Perry schools and station units. Please call for inquiries on availability.

Atago Sports Complex

Gates Open 6:30 AM - 10:15 PM Daily
Reservation Service 8 AM - 9 PM Daily
Outdoor Facilities 9 AM - 9 PM Daily
Indoor Facilities 9 AM - 10 PM Daily

The Atago Sports Complex is a world-class facility complete with tennis courts, volleyball courts, baseball and softball fields, the Kizuna Baseball Stadium, a track & field called "Go! Go! Field", and the Lotus Cultural Center, and is registered and operated as an official Iwakuni City Park and jointly used by Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Iwakuni and Iwakuni City. All authorized patrons must follow the Sports Complex rules and guidelines and respect cultures to foster a good relationship between the local community and MCAS Iwakuni.

Notice: As of March 17, Atago Cultural Center will no longer accept cash payments. Credit card only. 

Use of Facility

MCAS Iwakuni departments, Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, tenant organizations, and private organizations are required to submit the Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet to the Station Safety Office 30 days prior to their officially sponsored events.

Private organizations must have installation approval to hold official functions in Atago Sports Complex facilities; the Station Judge Advocate is the delegated approval authority.

Notice: All eligible patrons are required to access IronWorks Atago and group fitness classes with keycards. Register for keycards at Atago Lotus Cultural Center.

Scheduling & Reservations:

  • Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis
  • Open reservations for non-officially sponsored events are normally for two-hour blocks of time, with the option to extend an extra two hours or a full day upon request.
  • Any individual or group can make same-day walk-in and up to 30-day advanced reservations for facilities or spaces not already reserved.
  • Iwakuni City is responsible for all reservations and reservation databases. Reservations can be requested by visiting the Atago Sports Complex Administrative Office or by calling 0827-35-5089. Submission of a Reservation Request Form to the office prior to the time of use is required. Reservation Request Forms are available at the Atago Sports Complex Administrative Office, the S-7 Government and External Affairs Office (GEAO), or at the link posted below.
  • Running track is available for anyone's use at any time unless already reserved.

*Authorized patrons of ALL abilities are welcome. Please contact program staff if reasonable accommodations are necessary.

IronWorks Indoor Pool

MON - FRI 5 AM - 8 PM
SAT, SUN, & HOL 11 AM - 5 PM

With a heated indoor Olympic-sized pool operating year round the Semper Fit Aquatics program has options available for all skill levels. Take private lessons to brush up on your basic strokes, challenge yourself with an AMP-IT class, or even train to become a lifeguard!

Our pools offer recreational swimming, unit PT sessions, private and group swim lessons, and more. We have underwater workout equipment for adults. For children we offer PFDs, tot docks, and a kiddy pool. Be sure to check out our inflatable obstacle course at special events!

IronWorks North

SAT, SUN & HOL All Day

IronWorks North is a world-class facility with indoor sports accommodations for basketball, volleyball, racquetball, aerobics, and martial arts. We also feature fully equipped weight rooms and well-maintained cardio/circuit machines for individual exercise regimens. All areas within the facility are handicap accessible.

Note: As of March 17, IronWorks North, South, and Atago Cultural Center will no longer accept cash payments. Credit Card only. 

IronWorks South

MON - FRI 4 AM - 10 PM
SAT, SUN, & HOL 7 AM - 6 PM

IronWorks South is a world-class facility equipped with a variety of indoor sports accommodations for basketball, volleyball, racquetball, aerobics, martial arts, and aquatics. We also feature fully equipped weight rooms and well-maintained cardio/circuit machines for individual exercise regimens. All areas within the facility are handicap accessible/accommodating.

Note: As of March 17, IronWorks North, South, and Atago Cultural Center will no longer accept cash payments. Credit Card only. 

*Authorized patrons of ALL abilities are welcome. Please contact program staff if reasonable accommodations are necessary.

Northside Track & Field

Penny Lake Fields

Penny Lake Fields hosts baseball, soccer, and other outdoor sports for the MCAS Iwakuni community.

WaterWorks Outdoor Pool

Dates Days Hours
MAY 25 - JUN 2 SAT, SUN, & HOL 11 AM - 7 PM
JUN 5 - AUG 18 Daily 11 AM - 7 PM
AUG 24 - SEP 2 SAT, SUN, & HOL 11 AM - 7 PM

With an outdoor pool open during the summer months the Semper Fit Aquatics program has options available for all skill levels. Take private lessons to brush up on your basic strokes, challenge yourself with an AMP-IT class, or even train to become a lifeguard!

Our pools offer recreational swimming, unit PT sessions, private and group swim lessons, and more. We have underwater workout equipment for adults. For children we offer PFDs, tot docks, and a kiddy pool. Be sure to check out our inflatable obstacle course at special events!

Basketball, sand volleyball and tennis sports courts can be found at various locations, including next to the IronWorks and across the bridge at the Monzen Friendship Park.

*Authorized patrons of ALL abilities are welcome. Please contact program staff if reasonable accommodations are necessary.

Basketball Courts


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