To find the right academic/career path and school for you, make sure you use all the resources available to you (many of them are described below) and speak with the counselors in the Education Services Office when you have questions!


Use these resources to explore the best academic and career goals for you.


College and career planning require learning about yourself first to ensure you choose the right career path for your future. Kuder Journey's education and career counseling program are designed to help military students learn, assess, and plan, based on personal interests, skills, and work values. Use this system to help you develop a college and career plan tailored to your needs and interests.

Create an account at

Career Path DECIDE

Use Career Path DECIDE to identify career paths for which you are most qualified, based on military experience and current education level. You can also determine if these career paths align with future personal and professional goals, as well as identify specific and actionable steps to improve qualifications for a desired career, including the specific academic degrees or certifications needed.

Use these resources to find the best college or university for you.


There are approximately 2,500 colleges and universities that are approved to receive Tuition Assistance (TA) funding. Verify a school’s eligibility for TA and compare different schools using the DoD’s TA DECIDE program.

DoD Comparison Tool

College Navigator

Explore educational institutions via the Department of Education's search engines.

College Navigator

College Scorecard

Remember that there is more to paying for school than tuition alone. Many schools charge fees in addition to their tuition charges and books are generally a separate expense as well. Because of these things, Tuition Assistance (TA) alone may not cover all of your expenses.

FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

We recommend that all students submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. This application is how you apply for the Federal Pell Grant, an award that is based on your income. Pell Grants may be awarded annually until you complete a bachelor’s degree and they do NOT have to be paid back!

Federal Student Aid


Scholarships are grants students can use to pay for their higher education that generally do not have to be paid back. Scholarships are available through a wide variety of sources and eligibility may be related to membership in an organization, grades, area of academic study, or some other criteria.

Make sure to check your school’s scholarship office to find out about any institution-specific scholarships and application processes. There are also many online scholarship search engines that may help you find additional funding for school!

Peterson's Scholarship Search Engine

Scholarship Finder | CareerOneStop

Use these online tools to get started planning for your future academic/career goals, but also feel free to request an appointment with an education advisor here at MCAS Iwakuni!

Call 253-3855 to schedule an appointment.

You can reach our Education Advisors via the group mailbox.

Additional Contacts

Education Services


Phone: 0827-79-3855

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