Counseling & Referrals

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​Level 1 Outpatient Group Services (OP)

This service is offered to clients who have been assessed with a substance use disorder of mild severity. Services typically last six weeks, 2x a week, on Monday and Thursday at 9:30-11 AM. The curriculum includes Living in Balance and Prime Solutions.

Level 2 Intensive Outpatient Group Services (IOP)

This service is provided to individuals who have been assessed with a substance use disorder of moderate severity. Group services for IOP typically last six weeks, 2x a week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 8-11 AM.

Higher Levels of Care If you have developed a severe substance use disorder or have co-occurring mental health needs, SAP can facilitate placement in a more intensive outpatient or residential program. The counselor will work with the individual and command to coordinate an individualized transition plan.

Aftercare services are offered for those who have completed either OP, IOP, or returning from a higher level of care and are ready to step down to a supportive aftercare group.

Self-Help Groups:

  • All Recovery Meeting
  • Meets at Yujo Hall, 2nd Floor
  • Tuesdays | 6-7 PM
  • Fridays | 5-6 PM


The Marine Corps DSTRESS Line is an anonymous Marine-to-Marine support service that operates 24/7.

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