Childcare Provider Appreciation Day

Childcare Provider Appreciation Day

Childcare Provider Appreciation Day is celebrated nationally every year on the Friday before Mother's Day. Friday, May 12th, 2023, will be the day to recognize childcare providers' efforts and dedication to providing quality care. By recognizing these dedicated professionals, we are reminded of the importance of their work and the positive impact high-quality childcare has on children throughout their entire lives.

Each day, many parents rely on childcare providers to maintain a safe environment for their children while they are at work. Other parents choose to send their children to a childcare provider to receive quality care and education in preparation for school. Research shows children undergo rapid growth in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial development during early childhood. Since many children spend most of their day with a childcare provider, it is important for the provider to offer safe, healthy, and nurturing care during the early childhood years. 

It takes a special person to work in the childcare field, so it is important to show appreciation to these individuals, including those who may not immediately come to mind, such as:

  • Teachers, cooks, bus drivers, directors and other staff at childcare centers and local schools
  • Family childcare providers and childcare in-home providers
  • Relatives, neighbors, and friends who care for children
  • Nannies
  • Anyone who works with children and is responsible for their education and care

If you would like to show appreciation and recognition, here are some ideas:

  • Send flowers, cards, or a handwritten note of appreciation
  • Join other parents to create a surprise or purchase a gift
  • Have children work on art projects to be given as a gift
  • Donate classroom supplies, books, toys, and/or gift cards
  • Simply say "Thank you!" with a smile
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