Leading in the Civilian World. Where Do I Start?
Congratulations! You’ve successfully transitioned into a civilian role, but as your first day approaches you start to wonder: Will my leadership skills from the Marine Corps work in the civilian world? Do I have to manage civilian employees differently?
As Marines, you have acquired leadership skills that will carry over into your life and career outside of the Marine Corps. The leadership skills you’ve gained as a Marine are highly marketable in the civilian workplace. Flexibility, adaptability to change, being proactive; these all are traits which contribute to great business acumen and career success.
A confident leader continually invests in and focuses on the employees who are the foundation of the organization. In order to become a better civilian leader, there are several best practices to consider for strong “employee focused” leadership development. Those best practices include:
Strong Executive Involvement
A solid connection should be made between improving your leadership performance and delivering positive results for the organization. This can be achieved by understanding overall operations, listening to the feedback from your employees, and taking actions in the best interest of the organization.
Tailored Leadership Competencies
Emphasis should be placed upon the future; how you can maximize your potential; improve overall performance, go against the norm and ensure your people are developed, educated, and continue to grow professionally for the benefit of the organization.
Alignment with Business Strategy
Alignment means a position of agreement or alliance. This can be established by a clear vision leading to new standards and engaging employees and providing a clear understanding of what and how business is being conducted.
Target multiple levels of Leadership
Leadership development is inclusive of all employees, regardless of their role within the organization. Information sharing and awareness allow leaders to convey actions.
Learn by Doing
Leaders should not strive to have an aligned career path; rather exposure to a wider scope of organizational operations, which can provide a clearer view of the organization. This widened exposure can be obtained through on-the-job training.
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