MCX Washington's Birthday
The MCX will have adjusted hours on February 17, Washington's Birthday
- Opens 11 AM
- Closes 7 PM
Tanaka Optical Closure
Tanaka Optical will close soon. Check out the deadlines for ordering glasses and contacts here.
On this page:
On this page:
Daily | 11 AM - 2 PM & 3-7 PM |
Closed | 2-3 PM |
Daily | 24 Hours |
Gas Pumps | Open 24/7 |
Cash Transactions | Daily, 8 AM - 5 PM |
Daily | 10 AM - 8 PM |
Holidays | 11 AM - 7 PM |
About Your MCX
The Marine Corps Exchange (MCX) has been proudly servicing the needs of Marines and their families since 1897. For over a century, we’ve known that our customers are special people who serve their country proudly. The Marine Corps Exchange is the #1 Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) benefit to our customers based on the “Marine Corps MCCS Needs Assessment Survey”. Our goal requires a special commitment to our Marine Corps members by providing the best quality and true value for their merchandising and purchasing needs.
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Gas Pumps | Open 24/7 |
MON - FRI | 5 AM - 10 PM |
SAT - SUN | 6 AM - 10 PM |