Money Habitudes: Mind Over Money
We’ve all been there. You run to the store for a specific item and return wondering how you ended up with three bags full of purchases. A quick trip for a single item turned into an all-day spree complete with lunch and a stop for a latte. As you total the damage, you try to determine what happened and vow not to let it happen again.
There is a growing body of research to indicate that we aren’t always making rational and well-informed purchasing decisions, even when we think we are. Messages from a variety of sources shape our responses. Many times our habits, rather than our thoughts, dictate our actions.
Your installation Personal Financial Management (PFM) Program has a new workshop to help you recognize the messages and habits that may be sabotaging your financial goals. “Your Money Personality” is a fun and interactive workshop that will help you identify your money “Habitudes”. Your Habitudes determine how confidently and competently you manage your money. Habitudes are the result of the many messages you have received and the experiences you have had, especially as you were growing up. By understanding your Habitudes and their triggers, you can begin to take better control of your finances.
Contact your local Personal Financial Management Specialist today to schedule your workshop.
There is a growing body of research to indicate that we aren’t always making rational and well-informed purchasing decisions, even when we think we are. Messages from a variety of sources shape our responses. Many times our habits, rather than our thoughts, dictate our actions.
Your installation Personal Financial Management (PFM) Program has a new workshop to help you recognize the messages and habits that may be sabotaging your financial goals. “Your Money Personality” is a fun and interactive workshop that will help you identify your money “Habitudes”. Your Habitudes determine how confidently and competently you manage your money. Habitudes are the result of the many messages you have received and the experiences you have had, especially as you were growing up. By understanding your Habitudes and their triggers, you can begin to take better control of your finances.
Contact your local Personal Financial Management Specialist today to schedule your workshop.